
Oskar’s final interview! Did he get it? at the point of writing this, we still don’t know! What we did know is that Oskar had decided he was taking Jamie and I to Zurich. I’m still not sure how it all came about but three boys in a hole went on tour!

We arrived in Zurich (Joe and Jamie) and found Oskar after some major confusion over how big Zurich train station was. We dropped the bags off and went to the pub. Oskar decided it was snus time. Snus is a Scandinavian thing where you put a small pouch of tobacco in your gums and jut leave it there for an extended period of time before spitting it out and storing it in the top of the snus box forever, presumably. Upon snussing, some swiss snussers striked up a conversation with little Oskar and before we knew it we had met the sole manufactuers of Swiss Snus - The Leaf Bakery . Onwards and upwards we followed the bar photographer to his next gig, picking some terrible take away Chinese food on the way. This bar was our bar and we were its models. We were fed Jameson shot after Jameson shot after some sort of strange peppermint shot and so on. The music was strictly 80s pop and we had a great time and were photographed all night long. Fast forward to a pretty hungover morning and we decided to brunch and travel to the Rein falls. This short one hour journey took us through two train stops of Germany and dropped us off outside the falls themselves. Perfect for three hungover men.

Unfortunately I didn’t take too many photos so here is dad 2.0 on the left and blind F1 driver on the right.


The falls are actually behind this headland on the left but this photo is probably my favourite photo of the trip! The Grey heron in the bottom left of the picture had sitting in that spot all day, well, for at least 3 hours, searching for the perfect fish. One thing I loved about the lake was the amount of fish in it. There were hundreds of fish all swimming towards the numerous waterfalls, or perhaps they were being sucked in and having an absolutely awful time.

A view from the top of the falls. The main fall is what can be seen in the above photo behind the heron.

Towards the end of the walking route, by a chateau, a swan modelled for me in many different poses. This was their best look.

Jamie tries to poke a fish.

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