Growing Avocados


I’ve just got back from the Isle of Skye in Scotland and have bought back 20 Avocado seeds left over from a weeks worth of communal meals. I’ve just moved to Oxford, although I am currently staying with my friend Adam in Abingdon and have decided to propagate the seeds in his apartment. Thanks Adam.

14th September 2021

Tooth pick up the seeds and suspend in water. There is a better method for this which is suspending the seed from the top and not tripoding like I have done. Next time....


19th October 2021

It has come to my attention that the method of growing of avocados in water is not optimum. The seeds grow mould on them and require their water to be changed frequently. In an attempt to mitigate this I have removed all of the outer shell from the seeds apart from those that are showing signs of rooting which seems to have helped. I have also learnt that growing in water and transferring to soil can cause root shock, further stunting their growth.


12th May 2022

Well. Of the twenty seeds planted, only four survived the U.K. winter. This isn't much of a surprise as my bedroom gets almost no light but nevertheless we have four survivors. Three of which I decided to plant in a single pot with the idea of plaiting their stems as they grew... Sam had decided that she could plait better than I so I entrusted her with the task... Within seconds an error had been made so the plant was unplaited? deplaited? By the third attempt the plant couldn't take it any more and snapped. Mega sad times. This had happened in early April from what I remember so the growth in the picture is it's recovery. Poor thing. I've never seen Sam apologise for anything as much as she did for snapping an avocado tree! I think I will wait a little longer before another attempt is made!


17th July 2022

Re-potted and now 46cm tall! I've also just planted sensitive plant seeds in the same pot so hopefully they will come up soon and add an element of fun!


25th November 2022

All the sensitive plants died a slow painful death. The tallest tree is now 52cm! Sam and I have bought a house together and the avacado trees are sitting by a french door facing south west so hopefully they get lots of sun over the next year!


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